Detailed information specific to Dr. Hollier's A&P1 Lecture classes

Students are responsible for reading the information linked to below. Completing syllabus quiz requirements is an acknowledgment that you have read and understood this detailed information.

Please read Starting the course first.

Detailed information, such as question types, number of questions, time limits, number of attempts, etc. can be found by clicking on the appropriate link(s). The links are in alphabetical order and will open in a new tab.

Academic honesty
Academic regulations
Academic support
Advising information for Allied Health careers
American disability act statement
Artificial intelligence
Attendance policy - on-campus (face-to-face) classes
Basic needs statement
Campus safety
Case study - Lecture
Cheating and plagiarism
Children in class / at college
Class withdrawal
Communication guidelines
Constructive assessment statement
Copyright of course materials
Counselling services
Course assignments and due dates
Course deviations
Course materials in iCollege
Discussions for on-campus (face-to-face) classes
Disruptive behavior
Dr. Hollier's teaching philosophy
Dress attire
Early alerts - Course performance reports
Electronic devices
Emailing Dr Hollier
Expectations of students
Extra credit important topics - A&P Lecture
Final exam - A&P1 Lecture
Final exams in final exam week
Grading policy - A&P1 Lecture
GSU email policy
GSU policy prohibiting students from posting instructor-generated materials on external sites
Homework - Lecture
House bill 280
How to study for classes
Inclement weather / School closings
Instructor-student interaction
Learning preferences (styles)
Letters of recommendation
Make-up policy
Non-discrimination statement
Perimeter College student scholarships
Quizzes - Lecture
Querying graded work
Respondus Lockdown Browser with Respondus Monitor
Reviewing assignments
Roll verification policy - on-campus (face-to-face) classes
Scientific research paper evaluation
Secondary point of contact for students
Sexual misconduct policy
Specific course requirements - A&P1 Lecture
Starting the course
Success in College classes
Tests - A&P1 Lecture
Tobacco and smoke-free campus policy
Tutoring & Advising hours
Video and or audio recording in general
Why you are taking this course